Highly Secure
Every association has their own isolated, highly secure Microsoft Azure database, file storage and application. Microsoft authenication is used and hardware tokens may be enabled.
trusted by large unions
Los Angeles County Deputy Probation Officers' Union - ASFCME Local 685
Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs - AFL-CIO
Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County
Microsoft Azure Hosting
Ricochet runs as a Microsoft Azure cloud service. Microsoft Azure is trusted by the United States government, military and the largest companies in the world. If requested, an association may upgrade to Microsoft Azure Government.
Ricochet runs on Microsoft Azure
Every association has it's own secure enclave
Separated Instances
Each association has its own database, file storage and application enclave. Unlike other providers, Ricochet ensures that one associations data can never be accessed by another.
All encryption and authentication keys are stored in a military grade FIPS-140 secure key vault. Sensitive data stored in the database is encrypted using a random nonce and elliptic key encryption. Automatic data exchange with employers and vendors uses encrypted SFTP tunnels with the actual files encrypted using PGP.
Ricochet has an integrated polling capability
Ricochet utilizes hardware tokens for authentication
Hardware Tokens
Microsoft Azure is used to provide secure and manageable authentication. Hardware FIDO tokens may be used to implement authentication that can't be broken by tricking an employee into revealing their password.
User Permissions
Detailed permissions ensure that each user only has access to the information required to perform their job.
Ricochet has fine grained permissions to limit access to authorized staff
Association database is replicated to ensure data is never lost
Replicated Storage
All data is replicated to multiple geographic locations, has secure to-the-second backups spanning years and is fully encrypted. Data will never be lost.
Secure your union
info@ricochet.systems(213) 476-1723
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