Member Management
Every detail about the member is on a single page. A complete view of their membership, employment and financial history is instantly available.
trusted by large unions
Los Angeles County Deputy Probation Officers' Union - ASFCME Local 685
Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs - AFL-CIO
Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County
Rapid Search
Instantly find a member by entering part of their name, employee number, phone number, email or SSN in the search bar.
rapid searching for members by name, employee number, etc.
a dialog allowing the validation of mailing addresses
Validated Contacts
Mailing addresses are immediately validated against postal databases to ensure they're accurate. If they're not, then alternatives are provided. Email addresses are also checked to ensure they're valid, not disposable and highly likely to be delivered.
All documents and notes linked to member are visible on the member page. Simply click on any document to see an integrated preview along with any associated notes. A document may be securely shared with a member via email or SMS with only a few clicks.
Documents and notes with a preview
a tab showing the grievance and discipline cases for the member
Ricochet implements a structured grievance process that guides you through any grievance without missing a step or a deadline. The status of all member grievances are instantly visible along with all associated documents and notes. Tight permissions ensure only authorized staff members can view a grievance.
Financial Summaries
Financial details by accrual are instantly visible on the members page. Easily see payment status and other details with a few clicks. If you're an accountant, our integrated accounting engine provides a complete view of all debits, credits, balances and accounts.
an accrual summary of all member dues and products
member history over time show salary, position and more
Using the history tab you can see the full history of the member. Their positions, salaries, membership status and more.
Ricochet contains a fully integrated communications suite that allows you to keep your members up to date via email, SMS or mail. Polling, document hosting and realtime statistics make connecting with your members easy. On the communication tab you can update their subscriptions and see what they've received.
Bulk communication preferences and a list of sent communications
member vendor products and the associated amounts and fees
Vendor Products
Ricochet allows your union to offer products from vendors to your members and collect an administration fee. Each member page shows the current vendor products the member has requested as well as the amount, policy numbers and any administration fees.
Manage your members better
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