Every debit, credit, balance and account is immediately available and summarized. Vendor products may be provided to your members to earn administration fees.
trusted by large unions
Los Angeles County Deputy Probation Officers' Union - ASFCME Local 685
Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs - AFL-CIO
Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County
Configurable Dues
Dues may be configured as fixed amounts, a percent of salary or both. They may also be configured by bargaining unit, position and membership type.
highly configurable dues
vendor products may be provided to members
Vendor Products
The association may provide products from vendors, such as insurance companies, to their members and earn administration fees. Policy and billing information may be securely exchanged with vendors. Products and fees are quickly adjustable.
Member Summaries
On each members' page there is a per-accrual summary of all vendor products, dues, prepaid, uncollected, etc. Any uncollected amounts are highlighted on the members profile and the status icon at the top.
All dues and vendor products are summarized per member
all financial transactions are visible and summarized
Debits and Credits
Ricochet contains a complete accounting engine. Every financial operation is composed of debits and credits and are visible on the members pages as well as a dedicated financial page. Members and vendors may be filtered by account and per accrual.
Accrual Reports
Excel accrual summary spreadsheet reports are easily generated. Every due, charge, account and payment is categorised and cross-referenced to make reporting to your board easy.
excel spreadsheet reports summarize the accrual concisely
payment processing allows batch requesting from the employer or credit card
Payment Processing
Ricochet can request payroll deduction directly from your employer or via credit card and direct debit. We can customise Ricochet to import employee and deduction files from virtually any employer. Ricochet has a payment routing engine that allows specific products and dues to be routed based on member type and employer.
Increase your revenue
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