Send email, SMS and mail with our fully integrated communication suite. You can easily conduct polls, share files and allow members to update their subscriptions.
trusted by large unions
Los Angeles County Deputy Probation Officers' Union - ASFCME Local 685
Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs - AFL-CIO
Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County
Harmonized Email and SMS
Every SMS automatically includes a short code link so member can view the same communication or poll that was sent by email. Harmonized communication saves you time and increases the number of members you can reach.
sms and email have been harmonized
vendor products may be provided to members
Easy Subscription Management
Both association staff and the member can adjust the members' subscription preferences. Ricochet makes it very easy to re-subscribe a member that has accidentally unsubscribed - unlike other communication services.
Creating and sending detailed polls is easy with Ricochet. Using a unique member identifier with every poll ensures only one response per member. Anonymous polling can be used to conduct board elections.
Ricochet has an integrated polling capability
easily host a file for sharing with members
Simple File Hosting
Sharing a file with members has never been easier - simply add the file to Ricochet and share the short code link in email or bulk communication.
Realtime Updates
As communication or polls are delivered you'll see constantly updating delivery ratios, responses and comments. Responses may be filtered by member characteristics such as position, work location, etc.
realtime updates showing communication responses
survey results may be exported to an excel file
Response Export
Results from a communication or poll may be exported to an excel file for further analysis using external statistical software.
Approval Permissions
Communications often require management approval. Ricochet allows communication staff to configure and test a communication or poll before approval. Communication may be sent immediately or on a schedule.
sending a communication or poll requires manager approval
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